SNEAKERS Collection

Shoes Sneakers produced entirely in Italy, in leather and suede, with a comfortable sole with a refined design.

  Capri shoes are the novelty of the moment
Beautiful, comfortable and exclusive
Made entirely in Italy, in leather and suede, with a comfortable sole with a refined design.

Capri Watch "sneakers" shoes, driving our customers crazy, are affirming the value and tradition of "MADE IN ITALY" in the world.

We are pleased to present this new product which is inserted, with great personality, among our main collections. These "sneakers" are entirely made in Italy in compliance with all the trappings of the typical Italian footwear quality, as well as being beautiful they are extremely comfortable, so much so that many customers have bought several pairs in the various versions.

Hurry up, you can be among the first to buy them and launch fashion among your friends. It will certainly become a new "cult" object given the great success already achieved among the novelties and trends of the summer of Capri 2020. Since June, on the Blue Island, the casual look of the "Capri" branded sneakers has met with great appreciation. who go crazy at the feet of the lovers of Tiberius Island.

  «The idea of ​​starting shoe production had already occurred to me last winter. I had intended to make products in tune with our spirit. The set goal was to take a further step towards the total look, with a reference also to the models of great craftsmanship, “Made in Capri”, which made Capri fashion famous in the 1960s.

Thanks to the renewed collaboration with an artist like Patrizia Costante, our initiative represents an excellence that blends Capri craftsmanship with customer caring, with an ad hoc customization of the object, with the customer whose desires become the center of the 'creative action' - is what Silvio Staiano declared. 

Thanks to Silvio's newfound energy and creative strength, Alba Staiano, sister and partner of the brand's creator, also finds new stimuli that entice her to open the new and spectacular shop in Via Le Botteghe 10, which prompt her to declare: " with the new opening I realized a little big dream that in line with the style of the brand under the banner of "Capri à Porter" right in the heart of Capri, a few meters from the Piazzetta, in the historic street of the artisan shops, we have created a a real treasure chest that contains the identity of our brand, expressed with style care, through our products, in a “magical” place that has always been the center of Capri craftsmanship ».
